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16, Nov, 2023

Dear Reformers!

If you are reading this text, I am sure most of you already experienced our signature Megaformer class! What is Megaformer and why we love it so much? Well to be honest, although I am a fitness professional Megaformer wasn’t love at first sight for me, but my abs definitely felt it only a day after the session! I could not laugh so easily!!! The Megaformer is designed to break down muscle fibers, increase your heart rate, and change your body composition. When using the Megaformer, muscular endurance is built by doing cardio through weight, says Lagree. “When you get on the Megaformer and start to do lunges for a minute or two minutes, and feel your heart rate going up, that's muscular endurance.” You need muscular endurance to make it through a workout as well as everyday activities, such as doing chores or playing with your kids. Suddenly my well-trained muscles were in shock from the variety of all the beautiful new movements without any impact on my joints. I could feel my body becoming stronger and being able to execute every movement after couple of weeks of training. One class led to another, and I became a Megaformer instructor! Only couple of months later I could see sculpted abdominals first time in my life (with proper nutrition of course), but most importantly my whole body became more flexible, stronger and free of any kind of back pain.

Now for everyone who is on their weight loss journey or becoming a stronger version of themselves journey, Nutrition is and will always stay a key to your progress together with sleep and stress levels, water intake…and millions of other things? Just kidding. But yes, what is on your plate is building those muscles! I always say there is so many advice out there but only you can know what is best for your body and how you feel after eating certain food. Energetic or you get brain fog?? Could be useful to also create a food diary and see after what kind of food you feel at your best. As for myself peanut butter always makes me bloated so I avoid it. For professional Nutritional advice you can speak with our coach Beata that has amazing portfolio to fit your needs. Check on Meet Your Coach | Bet on Beata 🙌If you feel that more personal approach would suit you better in Reform you can have Personal Training session or Semiprivate Session on Megaformer as well!

For any stress and emotional release, you can try out my distance energy work where we bring your mental and emotional body in balance and deeply relaxed. When your whole body is in harmony it is also easier to make better health choices.

Till next time,

Lots of love from Coach Ines!

Zone 1 - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates- PO Box 7325 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

    + 971 2 5513123, + 971 528817062