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Health & Nutrition

Hi, my name is Beata. Im Health & Nutrition Coach, certified Personal trainer, Medical trainer, Pilates instructor level 3, Yoga therapy teacher with specialisasion in reducing stress and anxiety, with 10 years of 1:1 coaching experience. In my fitness journey that started 15 years ago I was learning and exploring different types of trainings and movement to find the method that gives the body what it needs the most and at the same time build the shape of my body I dreamed of. Which is why during my sessions I bring resistance training, endurance, mobility and core strength all together in perfect mix to make sure my clients can feel and look best than ever.

Zone 1 - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates- PO Box 7325 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

    + 971 2 5513123, + 971 528817062